
Zen Bei Butoku Kai

The Zenbeibutokukai mon (crest) is a golden circle with a black border. In the center is the Japanese character Nin - Patience. Under the character are a trio of ancient Okinawan weapons.

The Zen Bei Butoku Kai (全米武徳会 - ZBBK for short) was founded in 1959 by Master (Ōsensei) Richard Kim with the express purpose of preserving and transmitting traditional Okinawan martial arts. The ZBBK is a 501(c) non-profit organization. EIN: 72-1532938

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The mission of the ZBBK is to preserve and transmit the traditional martial arts as taught by O'Sensei Richard Kim. Our goal is to aid and inspire students to become artists of life through the practice of traditional Karate-Do, Tai Chi Chuan, Chi Kung, Aikijujitsu, Kobudo, and other arts passed down by O'Sensei Kim.

 Our objectives

The objectives of the ZBBK are:

  1. Help students acquire self defense and personal development skills in the context of martial arts traditions. 

  2. Share information on the art amongst a community of like-minded people.

  3. Inspire students by bringing them together with the best teachers to create an energetic, fun, and rewarding training environment.

  4. Provide a standardized ranking system that recognizes proficiency, achievement, contribution to the organization.